WhatsApp Channel Channel Features | Technologist


Technologist.id Jakarta – Despite having many users, WhatsApp application development is still going on to have more varied and useful features. Now, there is a new feature that is ready to use.

Quote from GSMArena.com (02/07/2018), application owned by Facebook Inc. it is reported that this feature is similar to that of a chain already owned by many other messaging applications. The feature allows the user to create a group but only the administrator can publish the contents of the chat.

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To be able to bring the feature, WhatsApp is simply doing the simple thing, ie adding an option in the settings menu. If enabled, the option only allows the administrator to send messages to a desired group of chats. While other users can only see the content, but can not answer.

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With such features, users can use it as a means of disseminating notifications and important information For employees, teachers, students and other members of the organization.

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To enable this option, users can open Settings> Send Messages and select the Administrator Only option . Unfortunately, it is unclear when Facebook will begin distributing the latest version of WhatsApp that introduces the channel to all its users around the world.

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