WhatsApp publishes the "Prevention message" function of prevention of hoax


Officially, the WhatsApp instant messaging application releases new features. READ ALSO: The WhatsApp Central Test Hoax Function Eradication

This update seems modest compared to other features added, but it can potentially make the difference. excellent in the way users send information. With this user can avoid false news or hoaks.

In his official blog, WhatsApp claims to be very concerned about user safety. They want to control the spread of false news that could be bad for our users.

"We encourage you to think before you share the message." As a reminder, you can report spam or block contacts in one touch and still be able to access WhatsApp directly, "writes WhatsApp [19659004] This update is one of WhatsApp's serious measures to combat the widespread and dangerous spread of false news.US ALSO: This is WhatsApp Signs You Blocked Others

This is done after that the Indian government criticizes the WhatsApp service for its role in spreading false information in the country.

Even false information about WhatsApp has resulted in a series of deadly cases of violence in India. []


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