Who Ngerasain Mulan Even Maia Only Me


  Dibully's wife, Ahmad Dhani: Who Nesasain Mulan The same Maia just me

The shot came out of Dhani's mouth to answer the blasphemed face of Mulan.

Some time ago the photo of the future wife Eza Gionino called Meiza Aulia similar to Mulan Jameela was circulated. Meiza who famously calls Echa is a student of the psychology of Gunadarma University. He knew Eza Gionino while he was visiting his older brother in the rehab center where Eza was at the shelter and then to the point of getting married.

Hype-Netter who called the face Echa very similar to Mulan apparently reached the ear Ahmad Dhani . Mulan's husband of this series admitted reluctant to respond to the news excessively. Dhani even called Netter too pretentious to write a variety of comments about Mulan, which is not known for sure by them.

Wanting to reprimand the negro who mocks the name of Mulan on the news of Eza Gionino, Dhani calls them "stupid". Not only that, Dhani suddenly also bear the name of his ex-wife, Maia Estianty . Dhani baderted so better not to have knowledge because only one who has ever built a house with Maia and Mulan knows how to do both.

"Yes must not be yes, why should he be rich gituan," said Dhani at his residence, Pondok Indah Area, South Jakarta, Friday, June 29. "Loh who nandaasain Mulan even Maia is just me, if anyone knows, they are stupid," said Dhani again.

Dhani seems to want to reiterate that Netter does not have the right to comment on the affairs of others, especially the household. "It's me who am Naserasan Mulan, who nasasain Maia is just me, no one else.No other men who are nailing two women, just me," Dhani said.

Finally, Dhani again makes fun of the cynical netter who blasphemes Mulan. "Yes, they are stupid, they are commenting on something they do not know.Who knows Mulan Daleman even Maia me, I'm the only one in Indonesia who knows," Dhani said casually.

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