Why are unusual cars always needed to change the oil regularly?


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Caring for a car has become one of the obligations to fulfill. Although the car is rarely used, it does not mean that maintenance is reduced in intensity, especially if you think it will last longer than often used.

In the context of this problem, the period of oil change is often controversial. Many people are based on distance, whereas in addition to the number of kilometers, the problem of time must also be taken into account.

"The average consumer's tolerance up to now is indeed to the mileage, even if there is also time." For cars that are rarely used, most people think that oil can be more sustainable than often, even if the badumption is false, "said the Auto2000 Workshop Manager Suparna Kompas.com, sometime ago.

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According to Suparna, a car rarely used does not mean a minimal problem, let alone an interview.

Examples of engine or oil lubricants, although dominated by conditions that tend to be static in the garage, are also present in the engine room the oxidation process of the water vapor around the car.

If left for too long, the water can be mixed with the engine oil and damage the addictive contents of the lubricant. In this situation, the main function of the lubricant to automatically protect the "guts" of the engine is no longer optimal, and even worse can cause rust.

The atmosphere of the official Mitsubishi workshop.KTB The atmosphere of the official Mitsubishi workshop.

"If a lot of cars automatically install, the oil will tend to settle to the bottom of the bodywork, the engine components will become dry and corroded. In addition, mixtures of chemicals or chemicals will be lost. Additives contained in the oil can also be damaged and thus no longer work, "said Suparna.

Suparna advised car owners to comply with current maintenance regulations. Drains should be done at least two to three times a year, depending on the distance or even the time.

Especially for users of large cities like Jakarta, it will usually be difficult to adjust the distance, as it is recommended to rely on the duration, which is every six months.

"For example, if in Jakarta the distance is actually short, but the journey is heavy because of traffic jams.In a stuck car, even if the wheels are still but the engine components move, it also means that the oil continues to work, the ideal has not been achieved, "said Suparna.

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