"Why, secretary Kim? Finally, Park Min Young is happy to play Kim Mi So


  & # 39; Why, Kim's secretary? & # 39; Soon, Park Min Young is happy to play Kim Mi So

Why, Secretary Kim? will be replaced by 'Familiar Wife & # 39; which will be broadcast on August 1st.

WowKeren – "Why, Secretary Kim?" officially ended the show Thursday (26/7) yesterday. Once completed, Park Min Young who plays Kim Mi So also shared the sensation of many months playing in the TVN drama.

"I am so happy every second of my time playing the role of Mi So and, nervous and happy with her, I often think of life as Mi So and I am not stressed. a happy moment that makes me think like that, "said Park Min Young.

" The original version of "Why, Secretary Kim?" I already have a lot of fans and it's a drama that has a lot of hopes and worries so I'm very worried. It's a drama where I fight very hard. "

" I do not know if the audience is aware of my sincerity or the completion of the drama makes me like that, but many say that I look like Mi So, so it's a drama that counts for me. "

" Different from other dramas, it's the first time I'm happy to think, "What can I do to make it funny and funny again?" So, that's all. is a happy drama for me from all sides and because this drama receives a lot of love, it is a happy drama that I can not ask for anymore. "

" The most important thing right now is what is in front. Because we are happy to let Mi So go, I will come back with a great project. Thanks for liking Kim Mi So in "Why, Secretary Kim?" and I hope you can take Mi So with a nice smile with me, see you next time, "said Park Min Young.

Meanwhile, "Why, secretary Kim?" graduated with a high score for cable TV sizes of 8.6 percent. The drama will be replaced by "Familiar Wife" Ji Sung and Han Ji Min which will start broadcasting on August 1st.

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