Widodo Cahyono Putro does not admit anything to form Bali United


Widodo also explained his retirement status or being fired by the club's management.


Widodo Cahyono Putro has been confirmed as Bali United coach to date. This fact suddenly raises questions, since the 2018 League leaves only two games.

In addition, the Tridatu Army team is currently preparing for the next match against Persija Jakarta at the Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium in Gianyar on December 2nd.

Two versions seem to relate to this: there are those who perceive Widodo as resigning and those who think that he has been sacked by the leadership of Bali United. Widodo also gave explanations about this, told reporters.

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"In the contract clause written three times in a row, the cooperation relationship was broken – it was the agreement of both parties when I first arrived in 2017," said Widodo, after saying goodbye to his team at Trisakti Field, Kuta, Thursday (29/11) evening.

Referring to the clause, after suffering a severe defeat against PSM Makbadar, the former coach of Sriwijaya FC was summoned by the Bali United leadership. He met with Bali United CEO Yabes Tanuri to discuss the issue.

"Yesterday, I was summoned by Mr. Jabez to ask him how that decision had been made, and if it was specified in the contract, I resigned, because there was an agreement and he was sure to respond to that. the confusion if I resigned or if I was fired, "he explained.

Even though his contract is until 2020, Widodo has no problem if his contract expires more quickly because the clause loses three times in a row. He thanked Bali United owner Pieter Tanuri and Bali United CEO Jabes Tanuri for giving him the opportunity to lead the Bali Public Pride Club.

He also said that he was sad to be separated from the club that he had presented as a finalist in the 2017 2017 League and the 2018 Presidential Cup. "The players are like my own kids." Apart from children, of course, it's very sad, but it's like a bicycle, and if we want to continue, we have to continue, "he said.

Widodo hopes that in the future, Bali United will look for a coach who truly matches his wishes. "So that there is no more referral," he hoped.

When he was again asked for clarification on his statement, whether it came out or not, Widodo only said, if he had explained it earlier, that, referring to the clause stipulated in the contract, he had resigned. (Gk-67)

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