Will not love is not called first with Mesum video


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -Artis the role of Aura Kasih claimed to have had twice the incident was not wearing nasty linked video. In 2010, Aura was named as a woman in a hot video video.

"In 2010, I was struck by a video of who," he said at the premiere of Koki Kokilik Cilik's film at XXI Kota. Kasihanka, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/06/2018).

Aura confessed, why the news is not true, she is still badociated with his name. In fact, all this time he feels that he has controlled his downloads in social media.

"If you speak cautiously in all messages, I do not post anything that deviates, that comes out of the norms, maybe the snappy or something, indeed every day c. is me and normal, "he said.

Also read: Aura of love does not want to report a driver Video Spreader name his name

But he realizes that he can not prevent the news (19459007) the mouth of the person is alone, "he said.

Now, Aura chooses not to be able to control all people's opinions, take a headache when thinking about unfair news. clarify that it is not the woman in the video, the singer "Let's Love" can only continue to work.

"Positive aja and I continue to work, life must continue but the important thing is not ignored, which says it's a bading body, it's important that I've clarified if it's slander, "says- he

Read also: Aura of Love: It must not be I am Lah!

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