Win a patent dispute, Samsung Pay Rp1.96 T to Apple


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The patent dispute between Apple and Samsung finally appeared.

The South Korean company finally agreed to pay a fine for patent infringement against Apple. The Northern California District Court signed a dispute between the two giants of technology

. Despite not disclosing the amount of the fines, Samsung would have had to pay 140 million US dollars (about 1.96 billion rupees) in May. The jury of the trial ruled that Samsung should pay a fine of 539 million US dollars to Apple

but previously, Samsung has paid a compensation of 399 million US dollars for a dispute that has lasted for seven years.
If the judge's ruling was ratified, Samsung would have paid an additional $ 140 million

Reuters this decision was made after the jury ruled that Samsung had violated the majority of the patents in question, including -tap zoom and scroll. The Samsung gear is considered to violate the hardware style at the pose of icons.

The quarrel between the two began in 2011 when Apple accused Samsung of violating its patents for copying the iPhone's design and software features of the Galaxy S series. Apple and demand that Samsung pays more than $ 1 billion, although recently federal judges have reduced the fine to 450 million US dollars.

The quarrel continued at the Supreme Court which ordered Samsung to pay a fine of 399 million dollars. The judge then sent the case to the Northern California District Court to finalize the fine. But when he was brought before this jurisdiction, the jury sided with Apple and asked Samsung to pay losses.

A spokesman for both companies declined to comment on the terms of the settlement of the dispute. Apple spokesman said that he was paying attention to patent rights

"Apple is very concerned about the design, the case is beyond the money. Apple has turned on the smartphone revolution with the iPhone. In fact, Samsung imitates It is important for us to continue to protect the hard work and innovation that people create at Apple, "said the spokesman. Apple's word quoted by CNN

Professor of Patent Law of the University Michael Risch Villanova A new regulation that requires Samsung to spend more to pay a penalty.

Michael says that Apple has won the majority of the battle, but that does not mean that Samsung has lost a total. Apple has managed to win with a $ 1 billion penalty decision that shows that Samsung really mimics Apple. However, Michael sees that Samsung has also managed to avoid a ban on mobile phone sales in the United States. (evn)

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