Win the Jabar 2018 Elections, This Ridwan Kamil


BANDUNG, – Couple of serial number 1 Election of West Java 2018, Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum (Rindu), got the most votes with 7,226,254 votes or 32.88% .

It Election at the West Java KPU office, Jalan Garut, Sunday (8/7/2018).

Ridwan Kamil said he was grateful for the results. In addition, the recapitulation process is conducive.

"We have just received the results of the plenary session of the West Java KPU and thank God, we pray to God for the results that were given to us," said Ridwan when he was contacted by a short message Sunday night.

The man who famously calls Emil appreciates the performance of the KPU of West Java, who organized the 2018 Jabar elections smoothly

"We appreciate the KPU that has worked well and professionally during the elections of 2018. Let's wait for the official decision of the KPU in the near future and lsya Allah Rindu will be ready to work together to build West Java for the better, "said the mayor of Bandung period 2013-2018.

As stated, the Electoral Commission General (KPU) West Java held a plenary open meeting of the provincial elections at the West Java 2018 election at the West Java KPU Office, Jalan Garut, Bandung, on Sunday. (08.07.2018).

Results The serial number pair 1 Election of West Java 2018, Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum (Rindu) got the most votes with 7,226,254 votes (32.88 percent). In the Jabar election, Ridwan-Uu carried by the Nasdem Party, PKB, PPP, and the Hanura Party.

While the pair numbered 2 Tubagus Hasanudin-Anton Charliyan who carried PDI-P received 2,773,078 votes (12.62%).

Cut of PKS and Party Gerindra, Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu got 6,317,465 votes (28.74%)

The pair 4 of Adapaun, Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi who wore the Golkar and the Parti Democrate obtained 5,663,198 votes (25.77%).

Kompas TV Prior to the plenary session of the South Sulawesi Provincial Electoral Commission, the meeting place began to be sterilized by the police

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