Wiranto Evaluating Pilkada Unison 2018 Works Successfully


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs Wiranto badessed the 2018 elections that will be held successfully, safely, peacefully and monitored on Wednesday (27/6/2018).

What he revealed at a press conference, after performing video conference (vidcon) in Pusdalsis Mabes Polri, South Jakarta.

"According to the Vidcon with reports from regional police chiefs, commanders and clusters, he is grateful that all constituencies in 171 regions are generally safe, peaceful, orderly, harmonious and controlled," Wiranto said. Police headquarters, Jl Trunojoyo, Kebayoran Baru. , South Jakarta, Wednesday (27/06/2018).

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He revealed that the success had been proven only by minor technical problems, such as the lack of ballots.

But this is not a problem because directly can be overcome.

In addition, he pointed out where 387 586 TPS, there are not more than 10 polling stations.

"The election of 171 constituencies was apparent after we counted 387,586 polling stations, with no more than 10 polling stations," Wiranto said.

"There is a delay of two districts, I think it is a very small report and we are grateful, so in general the elections are both successful, safe and peaceful," he added. .

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In addition to Wiranto, the commander of TNI, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian, and BIN Head Gunung BIN also attended the press conference.

Watch the video above! (*)

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