Wiranto invites Moeldoko to leave Hanura


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Chairman of the Hanura Party Administrative Council Wiranto challenges the decision of the Vice Chairman of the Hanura Board of Directors Moeldoko who plans to leave the Hanura Party. , enggak there is a problem, "Wiranto said at his office in Jakarta on Tuesday (3/7).

Known now Moeldoko served as head of the presidential staff office (KSP) since the beginning of this year replaces Teten Masduki

The former commander of the ABRI declared that he could not impose the will of Moeldoko to withdraw from Hanura.

Moeldoko has the political right guaranteed by the law to freely decide its political choice, including deciding to choose to resign or move a political party other than Hanura.

"Political rights yes, no need to whisper me too can, People withdraw from various political parties that could be written, wong According to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam), the resignation of Moeldoko from Hanura is explained by the fact that he wants to focus the community service area through his position as head of the KSP

He only said that the issue should not be exaggerated because the phenomenon of politicians who go out and enter certain political parties is a common political dynamic in Indonesia

" Political actions are dynamics [politik] there is no problem, dedication to society, "he concluded.

Earlier, Mr. Moeldoko announced that he would resign from the post of chairman of the Hanura party's governing board, for reasons of desires. concentration in the duties of the President's Chief of Staff. He felt that he had little influence in his position in the party. In the meantime, as a KSP, he feels that his task is getting longer and longer.


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