Wiranto recalls at Reunion 212 Do not aggravate the problem of Ahok – VIVA


VIVA – The minister responsible for coordinating legal and security issues, Wiranto, said that the planned meeting of the 212-member presidium was unimportant when he referred again to the case of the former governor of the country. DKI Jakarta, Ahmad or Ahok, about the letter of Al-Maidah.

This was revealed by Wiranto after attending the apples Danrem and Dandim at the Infantry Armament Center of Bandung City (Pussenif).

"(The Ahok case) is over .The protest against Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama) is no longer topical .This is the problem," said Wiranto, Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

According to him, if we examine them in more detail, the mbades of 212 people have a useless energy. Because, during the 2019 political succession, motivation must be a responsibility as an image of democratic maturity.

"Before our election, there is a chaos which indicates that our democracy is never mature, we are preserving the current conditions, the temperature is hot, but do not boil," he said.

For this reason, Wiranto continued, the police had the full power not to give permission to the mbades of 212 not to go down the street. For example, the amount is too much to disrupt the traffic may be banned by the police.

"Or the amount is too important and threatens national security, it may be forbidden, perhaps.The demonstrations are a freedom of opinion but do not interfere with the freedom of others, if the manifestation then causes congestion in the city, the name is not a demonstration, but creates chaos, "he added.

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