Woman insists on divorce, Sule reveals message about her children's mandate


SERAMBINEWS.COM – The rumor of the famous comic clown of Entis Sutisna or Sule exists since a few months

The flaw finally led to the divorce filed by Lina, Sule's wife.

According to testimony, the second divorce trial even entered the mediation phase.

The hearing took place before the religious court Cimahi Klas 1A Soreang, Regency Bandung, Thursday (5/7/2018)

City of TribunJabar, Sule appeared at the place (19659007) While the wife is present about 15 minutes later at the trial location.

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Both are scheduled to stand trial for divorce with serial number 5 in rua Lina is seen on the agenda with a gray shirt and a hood Brown.

Sule seems relaxed at the trial of her two divorce suits, but her expression seems exhausted.

While Lina is much stronger, Lina immediately smiles at everyone who has greeted her, including the media team.

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