Workers at cigarette factories urge to benefit from a 100,000 IDR old-age guarantee


SAINT – The Old Age Guarantee (JHT) for workers at the Gentong Gotri cigarette factory in the Kudus Regency, central Java, is paid 100,000 rupees per person on Wednesday (11/28/2018).

Seen, a thousand workers at the Gentong Gotri cigarette factory were lining up in front of the small tobacco industry hall (LIK-IHT) in the village of Megawon, Jati sub-district, in the province of Kudus.

The workers were ready to scramble to enter the room and take the 100,000 rupee allowance. The procedure, one by one, the workers signed the collection file in front of several agents. Then they received a hundred thousand bills.

One of the workers, Sri Handayani (43), said that the 100,000 rupees received would be spent on the purchase of basic necessities. Money accounted for so much for him after several years, he was unemployed because the industry he was working in was no longer in business.

"Thank God, you can connect to life.It's been a long time since he's unemployed," said the widow of the two children.

Sri explained that for 20 years he had been working on cigarettes at Gentong Gotri. He said he was comfortable because the entire management went well.

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But anxiety began to emerge when in 2012, the company began to collapse. The peak of the last two years, the company really did not produce.

When the company decided to stop all production activities, the fate of floating workers. The workers of the Gentong Gotri Cigarette Factory no longer have their income as they did before.

However, the goodwill of the company towards the workers still exists. Since 2012, workers are always invited to work to indicate their presence. Instead, they received a ration of 12,000 rupees each. The term is pending money.

Now, workers are worried about knowing they will be receiving severance pay as a result of the deterioration of the company's situation.

"But we did not leave after Lebaran yesterday, will there be any redundancy pay later from the company, we are still waiting for the results." I hope our fate will always be considered ", hoped Sri.

Still waiting

During the JHT distribution process, workers at the Gentong Gotri Cigarette Factory were also accompanied by the Gotong Cigarette Factory worker's lawyer, Daru Handoyo. Also escorted by the head of Kudus Regency's Manpower, Industry, Cooperatives and SMEs (Disnakerperinkop-UKM), Bambang Tri Waluyo.

The Gotong cigarette factory worker's lawyer, Daru Handoyo, said the payment of JHT money was the right of every worker.

The JHT money intended for the workers of Gentong Gotri Cigarette Factory corresponds to the remaining funds for contributions to the social security and health of the Cooperative Center of Employees of the cigarette industry (PKKIRK), which has been dissolved in December 2017.

As a member of the cooperative, the Gentong Gotri cigarette factory received an allowance of 265 million rupees which will be distributed to 1,151 workers.

"It should be distributed at 265 million rupees, but the PKKIRK JHT distributed this time to workers is 135 million rupees, the rest will be distributed to workers in December," said Daru.

According to Daru, so far, the workers of Gentong Gotri, whose number of 1,151 people has still not been fired. In other words, after their official cessation, the company must pay severance pay.

After paying the JHT money, he said, efforts will be made to pay the severance pay to the workers, which is expected to be completed in 2019.

According to the letter of recommendation of the Ministry of Labor, the procedure for the company should allow to recover the salary of 40.2 billion rupees. But the company able to pay Rp. 25 billion.

"We are still negotiating and we continue to be accompanied by the severance pay.The company is already in trouble and is only able to pay that a severance pay of 25% In fact, a number of badets owned by Semarang companies will be auctioned, "said Daru.

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If the company subsequently fails to respect workers' rights, Daru files a lawsuit in the Semarang Industrial Relations Tribunal (IHP).

"Those who do not agree to receive a severance pay account for 25%, so we will be accompanied," he said.

Bambang Tri Waluyo, head of Disnakerperinkopop UKM-UKM, added that the JHT payment is a normative right to be paid by the company.

"We have been trying to mediate from the beginning, and with regard to the severance pay, we are still waiting for the badets sold by the companies to pay workers' rights," he said.

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