Wow! Foxconn make a cell phone with nine cameras


Do you still remember the Light L16 camera, a camera the size of phablet that has 16 lenses in the back? Well, a similar technology with nine cameras should be launched later this year.

Through an injection of investment from Foxconn to startup who developed camera technology, it will soon be technology According to a Washington Post report, the Chinese company of IPhone badembly develops a smartphone prototype with five to nine lenses.

The camera should offer similar performance to DSLR, capture images in low light conditions and capture images with 64MP resolution. Foxconn ready to produce 30 million iPhone X units

In addition, the light promises sophisticated depth of field effects, and zoom capabilities unmatched by smartphones currently on sale [19659002] Like the Light L16 camera, which sells for $ 1,950, smartphone with this super sophisticated camera will not be sold cheaply. For all sensors to work, technology and processing power are very important, so the cost of production is high. [BA/HBS]

Source: The Verge

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