WOW, Google can predict someone will die, accurate 95 percent


TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – Death is one of the greatest mysteries in the world.

However, no one can really predict the death of a doctor.

in the journal Nature mentioned that artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (AI) created by Google, can predict when someone will die.

This can be done by artificial intelligence, by entering electronic health data belong to someone's name. with a deep learning model, one obtains predictive results that are substantially very accurate.


Futurism Abstracts, Monday, 18/6/2018, in research trials, researchers using data on 216,000 adult patients from two hospitals in the United States [19659002] The Result, Researchers Could Show That the Algorithm Could Predict When Patients "We are interested in understanding whether in-depth learning can produce valid predictions, across a wide range of problems and clinical outcomes ", the researchers write in their report quoted by Fox News Wednesday. /6/2018).

"Therefore, we select results from different domains, including important clinical outcomes (deaths), standard measures of quality of care (readmissions), measures of use resources (length of stay) and size understand the problem of the patient (diagnosis) ", they add.

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