Wow, Jessica Iskandar rewards the pool for the 4th anniversary of El Barack


  Wow, Jessica Iskandar Pool Awards for the 4th Anniversary of El Barack

Jessica Iskandar also feels impressed by El Barack who does not ask him for any presents.

A mother would be ready to do anything for her child. That's how Jessica Iskandar always trying to give the best for her only son El Barack.

When El's birthday, Jedar did not play games to prepare his son. On Saturday (21/7), the artist who famously called Jedar organized an El-4 birthday party in his residence in Setiabudi, south of Jakarta, on Saturday (21/7).

Not mitigated, Jedar claimed to give pool prizes for El. Jedar also talked about the El birthday party that was deliberately held at their home.

"I was swimming pool swimmer, but the pool is not so much because the development process is increasing, so yes I arranged (birthday party) at home aja, "said Jessica Iskandar during her meeting WowKeren in South Jakarta, Saturday (21/7). "But tetep," Swimming Swimming is your birthday present but there's no water yet, "then."

"I'm doing aja relax at home, with my clbadmates El friends, my friends too," said Jedar. "So, do not invite gede-gedean, if little-aja wrote."

According to Jedar, El also learned that the swimming pool being built is a gift for him. "Since then, he already knows that I'm doing the pool was right for him," said Jedar.

Jedar admits being surprised by his son's failure to ask for his fancy gift. El's turned out to ask only agaria can celebrate birthday with friends.

"At that time, I said: El Barack do you want something from me ?" "Do not you want a present from me?" The story of Jedar. " No Mom, Mom do not have to give me a Mom gift already birthday party bikinin.So I really feel this child so sweet really it can be like that. should be El's gift to mom. "

Not only Jedar, older brother Erick Bana Iskandar also made a special gift for El. He claimed to be giving a toy toy that El wanted for a long time.

"If I love toys," says Erick. "It's El who asked yesterday, long ago, for his birthday.For a long time, we are still a walk in the mall that he really kept pingin."

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