Xiaomi call does not know about Pocophone in Indonesia


Merdeka.com – Pocophone would be Xiaomi's new weapon. Of course, apart from the Mi and Redmi series. It is expected that the series is ready to enter the US market. It is interesting that the series is not only prepared for the United States market. But it is also in Indonesia

It is known on the website of the General Directorate of SDPPI, Ministry of Communications and Informatics regarding the certification of the phone and has escaped. The certification, listed is PT Erajaya Swasembada. The name of the device listed in the certification is Pocophone F1. The device has been registered with Xiaomi Redmi 6 and Redmi 6A.

In addition to the SDPPI website, the name of this smartphone also appears on the Kemeterian Performance certification website of the Ministry of the Interior. On the site writes the MI code M1805E10A which is the Pocophone code. This smartphone has a TKDN value of 30.03%

It's just that, once confirmed at Xiaomi, they are reluctant to respond. The national director of Xiaomi Indonesia, Steven Shi, inquires about the media team that launched the issue.

"I have no information from headquarters about this," he said at a meeting in Jakarta .

Just for information, called Pocophone has a size of 6.4 inches that seem more concise because it has an unparalleled design. It is possible that the included model is still a prototype because it's called P2.

In addition, it will have 6 GB of RAM with an internal memory option of 64 or 128 GB. This device already supports 256QAM LTE, GPS GNSS + GLONASS + Beidou + Galileo.

Armed with this information, there is the possibility that this device has entered the premium ranks. This smartphone will run MIUI 9, but other specifications of this device is still a mystery. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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