Xiaomi exceeds the sales targets of 100 million smartphones this year


Solopos.com, BEIJING – Xiaomi has set a goal of sending 100 million smartphones by 2018 and, according to the latest information, Xiaomi has managed to reach that number two months before the end of 2018.

reported GSMArena, Sunday (04/11/2018), this was revealed by the founder and CEO of Xiaomi, Lei Jun, in a speech at the Zhong Guan Cun Forum in Beijing, China, Saturday (11/11/2018). Lei Jun announced that the number had been reached on October 26th.

He also said that Xiaomi is the fastest growing company in the domestic market. Exactly at 11:23 on October 26, local time, Xiaomi recorded a shipment of 100 million smartphones.

Lei Jun chose to announce it during an event held at Zhong Guan Cun Science Park, where he founded the company in 2010. Some Chinese media talk about "Silicon Valley", and promoters, including Jun , claim that this city can be a center of discovery. and global technological innovation.

On this occasion, Lei Jun also expressed gratitude to his team for the continued efforts made in technological innovation and quality improvement over the years.

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Source: Okezone

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