Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 Design appears in MIUI 10


Xiaomi inadvertently exposed the mock model of Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 through its new operating system, MIUI 10. In the operating system, Xiaomi exposes the design of the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. a smartphone that barely does not have bezel as the concept of the Mi Mix series.

Reported from Playfuldroid Saturday (28/07/2018), from screenshot on MIUI 10, Xiaomi shows Mi Mix 3 which has a special touch to access to the personal badistant based on artificial intelligence (AI).

Apparently, if Mi Mix 3 has bezel very thin, there is no room for the front camera and other components, including headphones ]. Thus, there is a possibility Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 will adopt the pop-out camera already used by the Vivo NEX S series and also Oppo Find X.

Currently, Xiaomi has removed the Xiaomi Mix Mix 3 design drawing on MIUI 10. This therefore implies that the design is actually Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 . there is no clear information on the launch date, specifications and other things that will be pinned Xiaomi in Mi Mix 3. However, it seems that Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 will be introduced in September with various advantages over its predecessors.

[19659002] Call it as Snapdragon 845 processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB ROM and MIUI operating system based on Android P. (FHP)

Xiaomi Mi Mix Design Article 3 Appear in MIUI 10 and other latest technology information you can get in Telset.

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