Yahoo! Messenger, diamonds, until the phone is easily damaged


  Damaged mobile phone illustration

The mobile illustration is broken. |

Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

Yahoo! Messenger, the earth's crust with billions of tons of diamonds, to the list of the most damaged smartphones in a row of articles that attracted the most attention on the chain Science and Techno Beritagar. id last week (July 16-22, 2018). 19659005] If you stayed or did not have time to read it, here is a summary of the five most popular news items over the last week.

Bye Yahoo! Messenger

  The Yahoo! Messenger

The Yahoo! Messenger |

Ivan /

Tuesday (17/07/2018), Yahoo! has officially closed its instant messaging service, Yahoo! Messenger that has worked for 20 years.

We do not know what is the reason for Yahoo! but predictably the dominance of Facebook's instant messaging applications like WhatsApp and Messenger and other apps affect the decision.

Hindustantimes (17/7) said, users who still want to use the service will be redirected to Yahoo Squirrel, Yahoo's new instant messaging application They have six months or before November 30 to save the time. their entire chat history on a computer via this link.

The legendary instant messaging application from Yahoo! Messenger was launched on March 9, 1998 under the name Yahoo Pager. Then he started using the name Yahoo! Messenger (YM) June 21, 1999.

Yahoo! He travel? Messenger from start to finish and what features made it special at that time?

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Indonesian students participate in the treatment of human excrement

  illustrations of pellets, products processed from excrement or human waste.

Photographic illustration of pellets, products processed from feces or human waste. |


The organic fertilizer is nothing new. The best known and most used public is humus and manure from animal dung.

It is now possible to use human or faecal waste avoided because they are dirty and smell like an alternative organic fertilizer. The potential was unearthed by Fadli Mustamin, an Indonesian student at the University of Bonn, Germany

Deutsche Welle (DW) Indonesia Friday (13/7/2018), Fadli no. did not do the research alone. Fadli was only one member of the research team of the University of Bochum (Germany), the University of Bonn and the International Institute of Management. of water from Sri Lanka

. And their collaboration is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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The ancient humans lived in China there are 2.1 million of them 39, years

 ] Loess Plateau in China which has become the site of ancient archeology.

Loess Plateau in China which became the place of ancient archeology. |

HelloRF Zcool / Shutterstock

Recent studies indicate that members of the human race, Homo, have left Africa much earlier than expected. They reached what is now central China about 2.1 million years ago.

There are many unresolved mysteries in human history. But over the years, scientists have tried to solve it.

The data collected so far help researchers to know a lot about the past of humanity. But new information continues to emerge with the progress made on the ground.

To date, most of the artifact and fossil finds of hominids found outside of Africa date from the period between 1.5 million and 1.7 million years ago. 39; years. The oldest fossil Homo erectus (19459019) was found in a cave in the city of Dmanisi, Georgia (Southern Russia). The fossil date of 1.85 million years

However, it was reported The Atlantic there was new evidence showing that the ancient human community had lived in the northwestern part of China – 5,600 km east of Dmanisi – about 250,000 years ago. Their existence in the area is enhanced by the discovery of stone objects

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The Earth's crust contains thousands of tons of diamonds

  Photo d. Illustrations of diamonds found in the Earth crust

Photo illustrations of diamonds found in the earth's crust. |

Bjoern Wylezich / Shutterstock

Diamonds are the most valuable gems and also the hardest rocks on Earth. He is of the earth, far below our feet.

One of the causes of the high price of diamonds is the difficulty of finding one of the rocks of the Earth

However, as reported The Independent Tuesday (17/7/2018), Geologists from Harvard University, the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of California and several other universities in the United States have discovered thousands of thousands of tons of hidden diamonds in the Earth's crust

"We can not get it, but there are still more diamonds than we had ever imagined before," said Ulrich Faul, researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences , atmosphere and planets.


How did the researchers uncover the trillions of tons of diamonds?

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List of the most frequently damaged smartphones

  Broken mobile phone illustration

Broken mobile phone illustration |


A recent update indicates that Android phones are more vulnerable to damage than the iPhone

The report titled "State of repair and security of mobile devices" for the period Q4 2017 (PDF file) According to a report titled "Top 10 Android Manufacturer by Failure Rate" from the data security company, Blancco, Samsung's mobile phone ranks first with a vulnerable percentage of damage at 34 percent.

Then, Xiaomi came in second with a 13% damage percentage. In addition, there is Motorola with a percentage of nine percent. Then, the South Korean brand, LG, the percentage of damage is seven percent

While on Apple products, the iPhone 6 becomes the model with the highest level of damage, reaching 26 percent


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