JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – managed to win the second podium at the GP of Germany got Valentino Rossi, was not the only interesting story. The gaunt horseman has turned out to save another story that was shared during the post-birthday interview.
Rossi said, Yamaha headquarters personnel in Italy fled or dodged, when met. Not without reason, Rossi called him because he continues to criticize, and asked them to improve the performance of his mount.
Indeed, since the beginning of the year, Rossi has identified the electronics of the Yamaha engine that is not progressing. Even behind rivals Honda and Ducati
Without stopping, with one or two critics, Rossi continually asks for improvements on this side, almost in every series.
Read also: Rossi reveals the secret of achieving the second podium of the GP of Germany
"I put a lot of pressure on them at Yamaha, and now they can not take it anymore, and when they see me, they run away, "said Rossi about Motorsport.com Wednesday (18/7/2018).
"The reason I press them every day is because we need something on the motorcycle's acceleration side, but in reality, their efforts are not much help, but we hope because that the championship is still long, I want to try to beat to win before the end of this year, "said Rossi.
Up to now, Rossi is second in the standings, with 46 points behind Marquez, although He is still optimistic, though the points with Marquez can still be closed, with the remaining 10 races at new. However, it is also so if Yamaha finds more performance after the summer holidays.
"We have to start winning the race again Mark 46 points in advance but above all Marquez is very strong, so realistically it's difficult.will try just as usual.Of course if the Japanese are giving us help, and we can solve our little problem, "said Rossi.
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