Year Heat Policy, Kangen Gus Hard Cooling – VIVA


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VIVA – A member of the Pancasila Ideology Development Council or BPIP, Mahfud MD, visits the tomb of the fourth president of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid aka Gus Dur, at the Tebuireng Pesantren Complex , Jombang, East Java, Sunday, July 1, 2018.

Mahfud also keeps in touch with Sholahudin Wahid aka Gus Sholah, brother of Gus Dur and leader of Tebuireng Pesantren

The Minister of Defense at the time of President Abdurrahman's presidency solemnly prays in front of the grave of Hasyim Asy's grandson # Ari. . He pilgrims accompanied by Gus Sholah and Rais Aam PBNU, Ma'ruf Amin.

Mahfud says, Indonesia is facing a political year. Usually, when politics is turbulent, there is often a conflict between groups. He compares the current political situation as driving a motor vehicle with the highest transmission so that it becomes more dynamic and susceptible to collision

"All go into the gears of four, hard and fast and hot.If you you remember this principle Gus Dur.Kas of unity in the difference "Mahfud said.

He hopes that there will be a figure like Gus Hard that cools and is always looking for a ground of In every conflict, he often hoped that Indonesia would be peaceful against the political year, "he hoped.

Mahfud present in Jombang to respond to the invitation to speak at the Halaqah Seminar National Consultative Assembly of Indonesian Pesantren In addition to the Speaker of the Assembly of the MP3I Assembly who is also the guardian from Pesantren Tebuireng, Gus Sholah and Ma'uf Amin also attended the chairman of the Da Da Wah Commission of the Indonesian Ulema. Cholil Nafis and Rector of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Masdar Hilmi. There were also hundreds of pesantren guards in East Java. (mus)

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