Yeti From Google Will PlayStation Competition And Xbox


Jakarta, Selular.ID – For now the game industry is still dominated by two great players namely Sony with PlayStation and Xbox game consoles developed by Microsoft.

Seeing this, Google would secretly work on projects that would compete with both gaming companies.

As written in his blog, Google held a meeting at the E3 event in Los Angeles a few weeks ago.

A Google representative reportedly met a major video game company. Google explained that Google was working on a streaming video game platform named Yeti.

Google not only explained Yeti services to game developers, but Google wants to buy game development studios. computer specifications for playing games. Google will store various game titles that players enjoy.

This step is similar to the NVDIA GeForce Now streaming service. Players can connect to the cloud service to play their favorite games.

The reason Google wins the game industry is that the gaming industry never stops. Developers continue to compete to present interesting games to play by players around the world.

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