You want to be thinner, the key to breakfast and night


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Many people try to reduce body fat and often make various efforts to achieve their desire. But a new study shows that simple changes to breakfast and dinner can help reduce fat in the body.

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The study, published in the Journal of Nutritional Sciences, aimed to study the impact of mealtime changes on food consumption, body composition and diabetes risk markers. and heart disease. The study was led by Jonathan Johnston of the University of Surrey, England.

The study was conducted by dividing participants into two groups. The first group was requested to postpone the breakfast hour to 90 minutes of the usual time and speed up the dinner to 90 minutes of the usual time. The second group was invited to eat food as usual.

Participants are not invited to follow a strict diet. Aliases can eat freely, provided it is within the time limit. This helps researchers badess whether this type of diet is easy to follow in daily life or not.

The researchers found that those who changed mealtimes lost on average twice as much body fat as those who ate as usual. "Reducing body fat reduces the risks of developing obesity and badociated diseases, so it's very important to improve overall health," said Jonathan Johnston.

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While not limiting the amount of food consumed, researchers found that those who changed meal times would consume less of this food. This result is corroborated by a questionnaire response according to which 57% of participants noted a reduction in food intake, due to both a loss of appetite, a decrease in eating opportunities and a decrease in reduction of snacks, especially at night.

Johnston said this research has helped to understand how small changes at the time of meals can be beneficial to the body. "We need to make sure that they are flexible and conducive to real life." He will use these preliminary results to design a larger, more comprehensive study. Especially to give food that is limited at certain times.

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But Samuel Oetoro, a specialist in clinical nutrition, said that the diet to slim down the body is not to change or alter meals, but to reduce the total number of calories consumed per day. If the meal time is changed in this way, but the amount of calories consumed remains excessive, it will still be difficult for someone to lose weight.


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