Young Lex takes Anji for the new album


JAKARTA, – The young rap singer Lex plans to release her latest album this year. In his cultivation, a man named Samuel Alexander Pieter completed many singers, including a soloist Anji.

He was told by Young Lex at an event in the SCBD area, Senayan, South Jakarta, Friday (29/06/2018).

"If featured there are many, because it's my basic rapper and I'm not a singer" Young Lex

"So if for example I make a song to sing and he must be the same singer and starring . One of the recordings starring are Anji and many other artists were the same on my album, "he continued.

Young Lex tells that he and Anji will sing songs on the theme of love. The song is still a secret title created Young Lex in February 2017

denger Bang Anji in July (2017) following take on my album He heard directly that he loves, ( 19459007) record aja, "he continued.

The man who has many tattoos oada body who talks a lot of love in his latest album

" The difference between my albums is 80% of love, because I think it's the right time to release songs of love now, "he added.

Read also: Young Lex: It's time to release songs of love [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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