Young Lex's reaction was spelled out badly and decently, pronouncing the only word that confused Hotman Paris


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Young Lex react to bad weather and decay, say a word that confuses the confused Parisian

TRIBUNJABAR.ID – The rapper Young Lex becomes the guest From the Hotman Paris Show At an event organized by Hotkey Paris Hutapea's lawyer, Young Lex recounts allegations of alleged intimidation that he has received so far.

But before the start of the talks, Hotman Paris did the trick "Later, I'm the one who looks like tens of billions, do you bring a dirty guy like this?", Says Hotman to the co-host Lolita Agustine

. Hotman says.

The man nicknamed "30 billion lawyers" had time to open a Young Lex shirt to see more clearly the tattoos belonging to the rapper.

After, Young Lex began to tell (19659003) Based on the man who had a duet with Awkarin, yes it was just a man full of dreams that hindered the price.

That's why Young Lex works as hard as possible to achieve a rapper's dream.

Yes confess what a job just to find money, clbadified as an office boy.

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Young Lex's reaction was misspelt and decently pronounced a word that confused Hotman Paris


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