YouTube access to be slow, Google's Gara-gara?


In recent months, YouTube users have complained of slowly accessing the [desktopversion YouTube. The average of those who perceive it is a user who accesses YouTube via the browser other than Google Chrome.

According to the head of the technical program of Mozilla, Chris Peterson, redesign of the YouTube page access to the Google video service via Firefox and Microsoft Edge takes up to five times more long time.

Reported to CNET Thursday (07/26/2018), Google uses a deprecation API named Shadow DOM v0. The API is known to be used specifically by Chrome browsers giving it access to other browsers .

YouTube page loading is 5 times slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome because YouTube's Polymer redesign relies on the deprecated Shadow DOM v0 API implemented only in Chrome. You can restore the fastest extension of YouTube:

– Chris Peterson (@cpeterso) July 24, 2018

Due to the redesign, it finally appears allegations against Google that they deliberately wanted to damage the browser competitors . Not wanting to disappoint users when accessing YouTube, Mozilla immediately made improvements to Firefox . The same thing that Microsoft did on browsers Edge and Apple on Safari .

Firefox used an extension called YouTube Clbadic to "force" YouTube to use older models faster. Although Microsoft Edge and Safari use Tampermonkey in the YouTube Clbadic extension via some scripts.

However, when users of Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari use the older version of YouTube, some features are missing, including the Night Mode feature. Some interface views also change. However, users do not care as much

On the other hand, allegations of Google 's monopolistic action by the European Union are becoming more obvious. As is known, The European Union has just imposed on Google a fine of 5 billion USD, about Rp. 72 billion, for having committed a violation of antitrust laws related to the system. Android operation. (SN / FHP)

YouTube Articles Slow Access, Is It Google? and other information on the latest technologies that you can get at Telset.

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