YouTube has similar stories on Instagram

[ad_1] – YouTube has released a new feature for users, especially content creators. This feature allows users to record short videos that will appear in a certain period of time, similar to Instagram stories.

Although its function is similar, YouTube's story features differ from those of Instagram. One of the differences is the length of time the video is displayed on an account.

The video story feature of YouTube has a longer viewing period than Instagram Stories.

If Insta Stories videos are visible for only one day, YouTube stories are broadcast for one week. After this period, the video will automatically disappear.

There are other differences in the interactions that can be built from the YouTube stories. Users watching these video stories can respond directly to comments.

Unlike comments on Instagram stories, it can only be seen through the direct message feature.

Videos uploaded via YouTube stories can be viewed by other users to which these users subscribe (s & # 39; register) the channel or not. The short video will also appear on the "next" bar on the right side and can be rotated automatically.

YouTube has released a new feature similar to Instagram Stories. Yudha Pratomo / KompasTekno YouTube has released a new feature similar to Instagram Stories.

Unfortunately, YouTube imposes certain conditions if users want to take advantage of this feature. The condition is that the user must have an amount subscriber minimum of 10,000.

In addition, this new feature is available on the YouTube app for smartphones, Android and iOS. YouTube stories can not be found on the site version either.

Read also: Tips for using Instagram Stories, Live and IGTV to create a commitment

reported KompasTekno in The Verge, Friday (30/11/2018), the presence of this feature stories on YouTube has started to be detected since 2017.

At that time, YouTube had "hijacked" one of Snapchat's managers to work on a project. The project is nothing but the feature stories of YouTube, which was then called "Reels".

The presence of YouTube Stories should allow content creators to get closer to their fans. However, it is not yet known whether videos uploaded on YouTube's story features will also be inserted into the ad or not.

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