YouTube Kids has educational content for kids


YouTube Team with the community
YouTube Team with the community (Donnie / Selular.ID)

Jakarta, Selular.ID – Last September, YouTube launched the YouTube Kids app for Android and iOS devices. Today, YouTube Kids is present in 38 countries in 9 languages, including Indonesia.

Since its launch, YouTube Kids has been watched by 70 billion people around the world. YouTube Kids has been ranked among the top 5 in the category of children's apps in the world, both on the Play Store and on the App Store.

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Kids content on YouTube Kids

YouTube Kids has a variety of special content for children. Now YouTube Kids collaborates with the community Come Dongeng Indonesia launches the content of the fairy tale. This Yuk Tale presents folk tales from different parts of Indonesia. There are 34 folklores from 34 Indonesian provinces and 34 famous people from the country.

"YouTube kids have a variety of educational content, from cartoons, to education, etc. We have content that is in tune with Indonesian culture such as Yuk Tale." On YouTube Kids, parents can choose good educational content for their kids, "said Fibriyani Elastria, Google Indonesia's consumer marketing executive, interrupted by the launch of Storytelling for YouTube Kids in Kuningan, Jakarta on Tuesday (11/27/2018).

Eka Khristiyanta Purnama M.Pd, representative of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the same place also mentioned the same thing.

"Parents need to watch kids watching YouTube With YouTube Kids, parents do not have to worry about watching kids anymore, because YouTube Kids has a variety of interesting video content for kids, like this fairy tale.This fairy tale content is very beneficial for children.Because it contains moral elements, mutual cooperation, heroism, etc., "said Eka.

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Provisions on YouTube content for children

YouTube kids are equipped with a timer, search enabled / disabled, blocking features and approved by parents. It is said that Fibri's features allow parents to filter the best content for kids.

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YouTube blocking feature for kids

"Parents can choose specific channels for children, those to watch and those not to watch." Parents do not agree to block videos deemed inappropriate by children, "concluded Fibri.

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