Infants vaccinated against stomach bugs have a risk of diabetes reduced by one-third


A new vaccine that protects babies against a potentially deadly stomach virus can also reduce their risk of developing diabetes, according to a new study

New research shows that being fully vaccinated against rotavirus – using prophylactic drops – in the first few months of life is associated with a much lower risk of later developing type 1 diabetes.

As a group, children who received all the recommended doses of rotavirus vaccine were 33% less likely than unvaccinated children to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes – a lifelong disease with no known cure or prevention.

The study from the University of Michigan's team, based on insurance data, suggests that simply adhering to existing vaccination recommendations could significantly reduce the burden of diabetes.

Receiving the rotavirus vaccine between their second and fourth month of life could reduce the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in infants by a third, according to a new study (file).

Receiving the rotavirus vaccine between their second and fourth month of life could reduce the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in infants by a third, according to a new study (file).

They stated that their findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, provided "compelling evidence after the commercialization" of the proper functioning of the vaccine.

Children vaccinated against rotavirus had a hospitalization rate for rotavirus infection of 94% and a hospitalization rate of 31% for some reason in the first two months after jab.

Rotavirus can strike at any age, but it hits babies and toddlers harder; it can cause diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to dehydration or loss of fluid.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all American infants receive their first dose of rotavirus drops at two to four months of age.

In Great Britain, an oral vaccine against rotavirus infection is administered in two doses to babies aged 8 and 12 weeks, along with their other routine childhood vaccinations.

The vaccine is administered as a liquid directly into the baby's mouth so that he can swallow it.

The lead author of the study, Mary Rogers, an associate professor at the University of Michigan, said, "It's an uncommon disease, so you have to have lots of data to identify trends within a population.

"It will take more time and analysis to confirm these results. But we are seeing a decrease in type 1 diabetes in young children after the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine. & # 39;

She said the new findings echo the results of a study on Australian children published earlier this year, which revealed a 14% reduction in the risk of type 1 diabetes after the vaccine's introduction. rotavirus.

This study, as well as the new one, suggest that a childhood vaccine could reduce the risk of developing a subsequent chronic illness.

This also corresponds to laboratory studies showing that rotavirus attacks the same type of pancreatic cells as those affecting people with type 1 diabetes.

The death of insulin-producing cells, called beta cells, means that people with type 1 diabetes rely on insulin injections and multiple daily checks of their blood glucose levels, and this, for life .

If the disease is not well managed, people with type 1 diabetes can develop problems with the kidneys, heart, eyes, nerves and blood vessels.

The Michigan team used anonymous insurance data from 1.5 million American children born before and after the introduction of the modern rotavirus vaccine in 2006.

Partially vaccinated children – that is, those who started the vaccine series but never completed it – did not have a lower risk of type 1 diabetes.

More than 540,000 children in the study and born after 2006 received the complete series of rotavirus drops; nearly 141,000 received at least one dose and more than 246,000 did not receive one.

Another control group, born in the five years preceding the vaccine's availability, included nearly 547,000 children.

Dr. Rogers and her colleagues said that each year, with 100,000 children vaccinated in their own right, eight new cases of type 1 diabetes are expected.

She said that type 1 diabetes affects only a few children in 100,000. Therefore, having as much data as possible can help detect trends.

Dr. Rogers added, "In five years we will know much more.

"In the United States, the first groups of children to receive rotavirus vaccine are now in primary school, while type 1 diabetes is most commonly detected.

"Hopefully in the coming years, we will have fewer new cases – but based on the results of our study, it depends on the parents who bring their children to be vaccinated."


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