Infected mom gives birth to baby with antibodies


– Welcome to the world, Aldrin: Looks like you came with some extra protection. Born in Singapore to a mother who had been infected with COVID-19, the baby has antibodies to the virus, Sky News reports. “It’s very interesting,” mother Céline Ng-Chan told the Straits Times after the birth of November 7. “His pediatrician said my COVID-19 antibodies were gone but Aldrin had COVID-19 antibodies.” Ng-Chan says she and her family contracted the virus during a European vacation in March – and her 58-year-old mother almost died – but after they returned home, Ng-Chan and her 2-year-old daughter been released from the hospital. after about two weeks. “I was not worried that Aldrin would catch Covid-19 because I read that the risk of transmission (from mother to fetus) is very low,” the 31-year-old mother said.

She also knew Natasha and Pele Ling, another couple who had given birth to a baby with antibodies in Singapore; Natasha had tested positive during her 36th week of pregnancy. Meanwhile, Reuters reports that in China, doctors have detected COVID-19 antibodies in newborns of infected mothers, but the antibodies have declined over time. And in an October study, doctors in Manhattan said the rate of viral transmission from infected mothers to their newborns was only 2%, “but none had clinical evidence” of COVID-19 . “These results suggest that … separation of affected mothers and newborns may not be warranted, and direct breastfeeding appears to be safe,” the study said. (It looks like 42 people caught COVID-19 during a funeral.)


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