Instagram adds integrated payment to the app as part of its strong push in purchases


Instagram has taken a new step towards becoming a full-fledged commerce company today, announcing that it offers a payment feature for its mobile apps. With the order, you can store your payment information with Instagram to make purchases faster. In return, Instagram charges retailers a sales charge. More than 20 brands will start at the checkout, including Nike, Adidas, Dior, H & M, MAC Cosmetics, Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, Prada, Uniqlo, Warby Parker and Zara.

Items eligible for payment via the app now have a big blue "Order on Instagram" button underneath them. Touch it and you will be prompted to provide your e-mail address so that the seller can complete your order. From there, you enter your shipping information and your payment method. After checking your details, you can place the order.

Previously, to make a purchase on Instagram, it was necessary to use a contextual Web view on the retailer's site, where users are more likely to abandon their shopping cart in frustration. Instagram hopes that allowing users to make their purchases in the app will encourage them to shop more and create a new big business for the parent company Facebook, which has recently announced that it's going to Expects trade and payments to represent the future of society.

For now, the payment information stored with Facebook will only be used on Instagram. But it is easy to imagine that Facebook allows you to use your identity information elsewhere in its family of applications. (The company is also working on a separate payment product that combines blockchain and WhatsApp.) In the meantime, Facebook says it does not know if your payment information is being passed on to other users or retailers.

Instagram believes that shopping represents a huge new business opportunity. The edge reported last year that the company is building a standalone shopping application. He also said Monday that 130 million people a month were tapping product labels in the publications.

"Purchasing is only part of our long-term investment in purchasing," the company said in a blog post. "We are excited to offer even more opportunities for Internet users to shop on Instagram this year."


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