Instagram CEO says iPad app would be ‘fun to do’, but not currently planned


It’s 2021 and Instagram still doesn’t have an iPad app. Instead, users are forced to choose between inferior web or iPhone app experiences. In a new Q&A this weekend, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri addressed the continuing lack of an iPad app, and it doesn’t look like things are changing any time soon …

In response to the simple question “Where is the Instagram app for iPad?” », Explained Mosseri:

“I spent some time on an iPad because I was on a flight, but still no iPad app for Instagram. It would be nice to do it, but there is a lot to do and not many people, so it was not accepted.

At this point, it’s hard to tell if Instagram is trolling us by refusing to create an iPad app. It has one of the most requested features for the social network, even dating back to pre-Facebook days. As 9to5Mac Zac Hall wrote a few years ago:

It makes so much sense. Instagram is great for sharing our favorite photos and videos, and iPads are great for enjoying both. Instagram stories are even delicious (although they were blatantly ripped off Snapchat). And IGTV seems like a total dud, but a tablet version would be nice if it wasn’t!

Facebook and Instagram know the iPad exists. Facebook does a semi-decent job or supports Facebook and Messenger on the iPad, and Instagram even has two iPad camera apps – Hyperlapse and Boomerang – but not, you know, the main app.

To make matters worse, Instagram announced earlier this year that users can now post to social media from the web, but the iPad is left out of this, despite its desktop browser. So yes, you can post to Instagram from your PC or Mac, but not from your iPad.

Fortunately, a change in iPadOS 15 makes using Instagram and other iPhone-only apps on your iPad a little less frustrating. With iPadOS 15, iPhone-only apps can now run in landscape mode, with the enlarged iPhone app retaining its portrait layout while rotating like iPad apps.

Do you think there is hope for an Instagram app on iPad? Will we see Instagram post an iPad app or Apple post an iPad Weather app first? Let us know in the comments.

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