Instagram is hiding "as" account in the test


Adam Mosseri, Facebook

Beck Diefenbach | Reuters

Instagram, owner of Facebook, will test the fact of hiding "like", this week, as a way to create "less pressurized environment" on the application, announced Tuesday the Instagram manager Adam Mosseri .

"We want people to worry a little less about the number of tastes they get on Instagram and spend a little more time communicating with the people they care about," Mosseri said. the F8 conference, the annual conference of Facebook software developers San Jose, California.

During the test, the number of people who liked a job will no longer be displayed. Users will be able to see who liked their post, but they will not be able to know how many people liked the publication of someone else unless they count it manually. The creator of a publication will be able to see his own accounts when he decides to do so, said Mosseri.

"We do not want Instagram to feel like a competition," he said.

The announcement of the counting test, which is hidden, comes as Instagram intensifies its efforts to combat online bullying, a problem that affects many young users of the application. Mosseri also spoke about the other efforts the service was considering to combat harassment, a feature that would make users more likely to publish an aggressive comment.

"What we aspire to do is to lead the fight against bullying online," Mosseri said.

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