Instagram launches risky overhaul – and users are unhappy


Any major update to the social media interface usually meets resistance – cries of “bringing back the old Facebook” always ring out. But Instagram’s first major overhaul in 10 years is more than a simple UI design redesign – it shows Instagram’s renewed priorities around the world. And it’s a super bold (and dare we say, risky) step for the platform.

Instagram has brought two elements to the fore. These are “ Reels, ” the creator of short videos so far largely ignored by Instagram users (most of Reels’ content is stamped with the familiar TikTok stamp), and shopping. For a platform that started life as a place to share beautiful images (created with the best photo apps), things have changed a lot.


It’s more than a user interface redesign (Image credit: Instagram)

In order to push these two features, Instagram started testing different layouts in September so you can have a different version of the interface for now. But in the new version (which started rolling out yesterday), Instagram has relegated the full “ compose ” button (so far) to the top right of the screen. We assume that the thought behind this is “out of sight, out of mind” because the Reels button takes center stage at the bottom center of the menu bar.

We have to say it sounds a bit hopeless. Given that the Reels feature was created purely in response to the overwhelming success (and competition) of model TikTok, and that it hasn’t been a success so far on Instagram, we’re not sure what to push the user’s hands be the correct tactic. It might have been harder to find the Reels feature before, but we’re sure people would have gotten bored if they really wanted to use it.

Instagram redesign

Shop and reel buttons are front and center (Image credit: Instagram)

Then there’s the new ‘Shop’ button, which allows users to search for brands and purchase products through the app. So far, monetized content and Instagram buys have crept in and developed somewhat organically – in many ways it feels peer-to-peer. While it constitutes a large part of daily Instagram use, it comes across as user-generated growth that will be successful as long as content creators have a willing following.


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