Instagram’s Suggested Posts Will Have You Scrolling Forever


Instagram has found a new way to keep you hooked: by making your feed endless. Photo app quietly introduces new suggested messages feature today which will automatically deliver new content once you’re done scrolling through your feed. Notably, Instagram adds the suggested posts after its “You’re All Caught Up,” which appears after checking all of your feed’s updates. This was introduced two years ago as an anti-addiction measure, but it seems the need to compete with Tiktok’s ever-improving algorithm is the most pressing concern for Instagram today.

The new suggested posts will be a combination of automatic recommendations and announcements, of course. Robby Stein, Instagram Product Director, tells TechCrunch that the feature is a response to users looking for more posts once they reach the end of their stream. But it’s hard not to draw a direct line with Tikto. Its feed learns what you like over time and brings new videos straight to you, without having to follow anyone. This makes it a particularly addicting tool, as many users are stuck at home and Instagram is scrambling to find a way to compete. And at this point, it doesn’t look like Reels is the Tiktok killer Instagram needs.


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