Intel Unveils Athena Open Labs Project Certification Program to Strengthen Quality Assurance Standards for Intel-Based Laptops


Intel unveils the Athena Open Labs project and extends the integration of its ecosystem to optimize the components of a laptop

What's up: Intel today unveiled plans for the Athena Open Labs project in Taipei, Shanghai and Folsom, California, to support performance and low-power optimization of vendor components notebook computers designed according to Athena project design specifications and targeted experiments in 2020. operated by teams of Intel engineers with expertise in system-on-a-chip optimization (SOC) and platform, the three Open Labs sites will come into operation in June 2019 to enable and optimize the components.

"Across the industry, we all play an important role in providing today 's advanced laptops and tomorrow' s. The Athena Open Labs project is a critical step in enabling broader day-to-day collaboration with the component ecosystem to continually raise the bar for platform innovation. "

– Josh Newman, vice president and general manager of Intel, PC Innovation segment, Client Computing Group

What this means: Intel The increased level of integration with the PC ecosystem will accelerate the development of advanced notebook designs and features by improving the efficiency of the component selection process for OEMs and enabling a continuous cycle of tuning and testing based on workloads and actual usage patterns.

Why it's important: This week, more than 500 members of the PC ecosystem were gathered in Taiwan for the Athena Project Symposium on the Ecosystem to prepare the first wave of Athena project designs. Announced announcement at CES 2019, Athena Project Intel's innovation program aims to bring to market a new class of advanced laptops. Designed jointly with partners from across the ecosystem, the first Athena project will be available in the second half of this year.

With the Athena project, Intel has fundamentally changed its approach to innovation. Based on extensive research to understand how users are using their devices and the challenges they face, Intel engineers and social scientists have come up with a set of experience requirements. predefined keys designed to enable new experiences and capitalize on next-generation technologies, such as 5G and artificial intelligence. , on the entire PC platform.

Each component of a laptop affects the user experience, from energy consumption to responsiveness, and beyond. Enabling the evaluation, tuning and compliance of component vendors in Open Labs will contribute to consistency in providing the best technologies without compromise. Early alignment and activation at the component level provides a solid foundation for the preparation and implementation of OEM design to ensure that the systems meet the Athena project's experience goals.

How it works: The Athena Open Labs project will be the first step in the preparation of the next wave of Athena project designs for 2020 and beyond. Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs) will have the opportunity to submit compliance assessment parts via Project Athena Open Labs, and Intel's OEM partners will also be able to nominate preferred component vendors.

Each open laboratory is assisted by experienced engineers who test, regulate and provide recommendations to improve power and performance capabilities over a wide range of components and categories of laptops, such as laptops and laptops. audio, screen, built-in controllers, haptic software, SSDs and wireless devices. State-of-the-art facilities are located in regional centers. Thus, the MDGs and IHVs can enter the labs all year round for component evaluation and search solutions aligned with the Athena project vision. After evaluation, a list of optimized components will be made available to OEMs for review throughout the product development cycle.

OEMs, ODMs and IHVs will begin submitting components to Open Labs in the coming weeks.


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