Interview with Sharon Osbourne on health and Malone Song's message from Ozzy: Look


Post Malone and Ozzy Osbourne may seem like an unlikely pair of collaborators, but according to Sharon Osbourne, it was a game operated in studio paradise. In fact, their Bleeding from Hollywood The team "Take What You Want" has come together in no time.

"Literally, it took about 30 minutes," Sharon told Jimmy Kimmel during a visit to Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday, September 11th. She explained that her daughter, Kelly, knew the Post producer and had put her father in touch with Post – who is a fan of Ozzy – that way. "They spoke to each other via Skype from the studio because Post was on the road and Ozzy was in the studio with Post's producer."

Although she has not identified which Post producer, co-writer / producer Louis Bell, and frequent contributor Andrew Watt co-produced the title. She also made no mention of Travis Scott, who also plays "Take What You Want," but it seems that Ozzy fits the two hip-hop stars perfectly, even if it may seem a bit haphazard.

Sharon also reported on Ozzy's health as the veteran rocker had to delay his farewell tour because of the flu (which led to pneumonia) and a fall that led to surgery on the spine. vertebral and two other major operations. "It's much better, but the road has been very difficult," she told Kimmel.

Despite this, they both have good morale. After Sharon explained to her that Ozzy had shown her an x-ray of her body filled with sticks and stems, she joked, "No wonder they're calling it Iron Man, because I'm telling you he says he has so much metal in his body that it is scary. "

Ozzy recently went on Instagram to announce that he will resume the second part of his farewell trek, No More Tours, on January 31, 2020 in the UK, which Sharon confirmed with Kimmel. The two also discussed the possibility of a restart of The osbournes, his last facelift, and, of course, Donald Trump.

Watch Sharon's full interview with Kimmel below.


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