Intrusive helicopter photos force Prince Harry and Meghan to return home


In January of the current year, a photo agency flew over the home of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle using a helicopter to take pictures. This has so greatly encroached on the privacy and security of the couple that they would have been forced to relocate after publishing the images in multiple outlets.

According to CNN, Splash News piloted the helicopter at low altitude over the couple's house. This allowed the photographer from Splash to take pictures of their living room, their dining room and their bedroom, writes CNN. After the images were taken, Splash News would have sold them to various media, including The Times newspaper.

After this incident, the couple had to defend their right to privacy in court. Buckingham Palace issued a statement stating that "the publication and publication of the photographs seriously compromised the safety of the Duke and his home, as they are no longer able to live on the site".

Splash News recently apologized, saying that they "have taken steps to prevent this from happening again." But, aside from these excuses, Prince Harry would also have accepted "substantial damages" from the agency, but the exact sum has not been disclosed.

[ViaCNN;[ViaCNN;[viaCNN;[viaCNN;image credits: Northern Ireland / Wikimedia Commons]


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