iOS 15.0.1: Bug fixes galore | ZDNet


Apple was in such a rush to release iOS 15 based on its self-imposed timeline that it tripped over its shoelaces and fell prone in front of millions of iPhone users.

The bugs were big and obvious and included “almost full storage,” an inability to unlock with the Apple Watch when wearing a mask, weird camera shakes, and a capricious swiping to unlock the function.

These were many bugs that iPhone owners had to get used to, especially users who had lost a lot of money on new hardware.

It took nearly two weeks for Apple to release iOS 15.0.1, an update that consists of last-minute bug fixes and improvements.

But is this an improvement?

In short, yes.

And going further, this is what iOS 15 should have been.

iOS 15.0.1 fixes a lot of obvious big bugs.

No more “Storage almost full” message.

Unlocking Apple Watch while wearing a mask now works.

The Camera app doesn’t do that crazy jerk when switching between lenses.

The unlock bug seems to be gone.

The operating system is much smoother and less glitchy.

It doesn’t feel like ProMotion is working properly yet, but it doesn’t look as shocking now, so it’s better on the eyes.

Battery life and performance appear to be roughly the same as iOS 15, but your mileage may vary by device.

The first few weeks and months after a new version of iOS is a busy time for Apple, and iOS 15 is no exception. iOS 15.1 is making its way through beta stages, and we’ll likely see more releases by spring.

If you’ve been hesitant to make the jump to iOS 15, then I would say iOS 15.0.1 isn’t a bad time to jump. There may be surprises to be discovered, but the first reports look good and it’s a huge improvement over the initial version.


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