IOS 2021 predictions: new iPad Pro, less drama


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Okay, for most of us, 2020 hasn’t been the best of times. But on the iOS front, Apple definitely seemed to be in party or famine mode.

The company published five new iPhone models (forgot about the second-gen iPhone SE?), and there was a major overhaul of the iPad Air that essentially turned it into a low-end iPad Pro. The iPad Pro has received a disappointing update, but an amazing new accessory in the Magic Keyboard for iPad!

There was more to cheering on than booing in the iPhone and iPad world in 2020, and that puts it pretty much ahead of most countries around the world. But can 2021 offer anything better? It’s time to make some predictions.

Lucky number 13

The last couple of years have seen Apple increment the name of the iPhone by a single number, moving to iPhone 11 and then to iPhone 12. This would normally allow me to be certain that an iPhone 13 was up for grabs. horizon, rather than an iPhone 12S. But we live in a world where some buildings don’t qualify their thirteenth floor as thirteenth floor because of… boogins? Bad mojo? Superstition is the world.

Will an iPhone 13 ever exist? I can’t see Apple jump over it and go straight to 14, and Apple can’t walk on water adding letters to the end of iPhone 12 forever. My money is on Apple calling it the iPhone 13, making a joke about superstitions when rolling out the product and continuing as usual.

After a major exterior design refresh with the iPhone 12, I expect Apple to leave things in 2021. The new iPhone will look more or less like the current models, although with new colors, variations of texture and maybe a smaller notch ”For the TrueDepth camera stack.

lightning iphone Michael DeAgonia / IDG

The Lightning port on the iPhone will live on for at least another year.

It looks like it will probably be another year or two before Apple dabbles in a foldable iPhone, but I wouldn’t be shocked if we had a “portless” iPhone created by omitting the Lightning port. If that happens, Apple would likely revise the MagSafe connector introduced this year to also support data transfers and throw one in the box. But if I were to predict – and I do, that’s why I’m here – I guess the much talked about portless iPhone isn’t going to happen in 2021. Why force yourself to include a MagSafe charger when you can? sell as lucrative add-ons?

If you bet on Apple to make camera improvements in the new iPhone, you’ll never go broke. I’m sure the next iPhone cameras will be better, bigger, more capable of capturing photos and videos, name it. The sensor stabilization feature introduced in the iPhone 12 Pro Max this year could end up on the iPhone Pro. And I predict that Apple will continue to build very high-end features into the Pro Max.

Finally, I will predict that the global pandemic will finally have its impact on the iPhone product line. Thanks to the predominance of masks in society and the unfortunate barrier they form to Face ID scans, I predict that Apple will move the Touch ID built into this year’s iPad Air button into the next iPhone, as a complement. by Face ID.

IPad updates for sure

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but this 2020 iPad Pro update was disappointing. The iPad Pro’s A12Z processor is now based on two-year-old technology. The whole update looked like a placeholder, and in 2021 we should get a correct Updated iPad Pro, which uses an A14X processor that delivers performance similar to what we see on the Mac with the M1.

The other addition I would like to predict for the iPad Pro is its display. I don’t think the iPad Pro will get any bigger – as someone who uses a 12.9in model every day, it’s big enough already. Making either model bigger would force Apple to produce new Magic Keyboard models as well, which is painful.

But what about the display technology inside the iPad Pro? There are conflicting rumors that Apple will use mini-LED technology in the iPad Pro. But it looks like being able to declare the iPad Pro a true HDR display would be something Apple would aim for, right?

Upcoming operating system updates

Apple always surprises us with updates to the operating system, and iOS 15 will undoubtedly bring some surprising new features and tweaks to old standards.

ipados 14 Apple

The next version of iPadOS could include a redesigned home screen.

What interests me most, however, is an iOS 13 feature first brought to the iPad: a redesigned home screen with the ability to place widgets anywhere, rather than in a bar. sideways on a single page. I can see why Apple didn’t attempt to rebuild the iPad home screen during the same cycle as the iPhone did, but now is the time. It’s time to rethink the whole, perhaps even more different from the design of the iPhone than you might expect. I think it will happen.

Beyond that, I think we may be in for a relatively quiet year for iOS. To be sure, a tremendous amount of work will be going on beneath the surface – Apple needs to improve the iPhone and iPad to Mac application flow, work to better unify iPad and Mac Catalyst development, and expand SwiftUI as the future cross-platform of software writing for Apple software platforms.

But to the regular user, I think it will feel like a smaller update year. Some unexpected fun additions, developer upgrades, and bug fixes. After a year like 2020, I think it might be wise for all of us to focus on healing wounds, fixing bugs, and adding as little drama as possible to procedures.

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