Iowa Dem in Trump District will not seek re-election in 2020


Representative David Loebsack (D-Iowa) announced Friday that he would not run again next year, leaving a vacancy in a Democratic district. President TrumpDonald John TrumpJulián Castro: Presidential Candidates Should Be Required to Disclose Their Tax Returns Hillary Clinton said that Assange had to "answer for what he had done" after his arrest, Herman Cain should withdraw from the Fed's review: NEXT report worn in 2016.

Loebsack, who has been sitting in the House of Commons since 2007, said that he had always intended to limit his service to 12 years, but had decided to run for another term after the election of Trump in 2016.

"In my first election, I had planned not to serve more than 12 years. However, after Donald Trump assumed the presidency, it became clear that I had to run for at least one additional term in the hope of being able to control his worst impulses, "Loebsack, 66, said in a statement.

"Currently, he remains close to two years to this term and I look forward to playing an important role in the new majority in the House, not only to prevent President Trump from suffering further damage, but also to help set the stage for a new Democratic president to be inaugurated in January 2021, "he added.

Trump took out 4 points Loebsack District in southeastern Iowa compared to Democratic candidate Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonHillary Clinton says that Assange must "report what he's done" after his Hillicon Valley arrest: Assange faces US charges after arrest | Trump says that Wikileaks is not my thing | Uber officially wants to make public | Bezos defies its competitors on wages | The Kremlin tightens its control over the Internet Gabbard: the arrest of Assange threatens journalists MORE in 2016. Loebsack defeated his Republican opponent by 8 points that year, making him the only Democrat of the Iowa Congress delegation at the time.

Loebsack was reelected by 12 points in November.

The National Committee of the Republican Congress had already designated the Loebsack District as one of its goals for 2020, given Trump's ability to win it in 2016.

Cook's non-partisan political report shifted the "probably Democratic" seat to a "draw" on Friday following Loebsack's retirement.

Loebsack is the first district democrat to announce his intention to retire. Representative José Serrano (D-N.Y.) Announced last month that he would retire after serving since 1990, citing a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.


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