132 dead in Pakistan before the return of Sharif


  A wounded supporter of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after a clash with the police (KM Chaudary / AP)
A wounded supporter of former PM Nawaz Sharif after a clash with the police (KM Chaudary / AP)
  • 132 Election Violence Dies in Pakistan before Sharif Returns


    Pakistan's Most Serious Attacks A troubled election campaign killed at least 132 people, including candidate on Friday just before the arrest of former disgraced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on his return to the country.


    https://www.independent .ie / world-news / article37117249.ece / bf048 / AUTOCROP / h342 The deadliest attacks in the troubled election campaign in Pakistan killed at least 132 people, including a candidate, on Friday, just before the arrest. Former disgraced Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, on February 13. his return to the country.

    In the southwestern province of Baluchistan, a suicide bomber killed 128 people, including a politician who ran for a provincial legislature.

    Four others died in a strike in northwestern Pakistan, spreading panic in the country. He arrived a few hours before Sharif returned from London with his daughter Maryam to face a 10-year prison sentence for corruption, officials said.

    Maryam Sharif faces seven years in prison.

    In the southern city of Mastung, candidate Siraj Raisani and 127 other people died when a suicide bomber blew himself up in the midst of many supporters gathered at the same time. 39, a rally

    . A group from the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement issued by its Aamaq news agency.

    The group gave no reason for the bombing that killed Raisani, who ran in Baluchistan Aw elections. Raisani is the brother of the former chief minister of Baluchistan, Aslam Raisani.

    The acting house minister Agha Umar Bungalzai told the Associated Press that 300 people had been injured in the attack on Friday.

    in the city of Lahore, east of London, where he visited his sick wife when a Pakistani court found him guilty and his daughter bribed.

    Sharif's son-in-law is currently serving his one-year prison sentence for the same charge, which stems from the purchase of luxury apartments in Britain which, according to the court, were bought with illegally acquired money.

    Before his return, police swept Lahore, arresting dozens of Sharif's Islamist party workers to prevent them from greeting him.

    Barbed wire was strung along some roads leading to Lahore airport on Friday and barricades were positioned at the roadside, ready to close the main boulevards. According to a video message aired Friday aboard his plane en route to Pakistan, Sharif said he was coming back knowing that he would be taken directly to jail.

    Sharif was banned from participating in politics, and his brother Shahbaz Sharif now heads his Pakistani Muslim league and is campaigning for re-election on July 25.

    In a televised appeal to London supporters earlier this week, Sharif said he was not afraid of prison and asked people to vote

    He also took advantage of the Occasion to once again criticize the mighty Pakistani army, which has ruled the country directly or indirectly for most of its 71-year history, claiming that Pakistan now has a "state over and above" 39; state. " ] ipanews_06681353-c33b-47b1-b0f8-182b6aec52b2_embedded237540070 "title =" A man's hands on the dead body of a family member (Arshad Butt / AP) "width =" 620 "height =" "rel =" nofollow "/>

    A man cries over the corpse of a member of his family (Arshad Butt / AP)

Pakistani and international defense groups have accused the army of seeking o Maintain its influence on politics Pakistani by keeping Sharif out of power.

Friday's attacks were highlighted, the first having killed four people in the northwest near the election rally of a politician from an Islamist party. The blast targeted candidate Akram Khan Durrani, who escaped unscathed, and injured 20 people, said local police chief Rashid Khan.

Durrani is a July 25 popular ballot candidate against ex-politician Imran Khan. He is candidate of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal, an electoral alliance of radical religious groups

The attacks occurred a few days after a kamikaze sent by the Pakistani Taliban killed the secular politician Haroon Ahmed Bilour and 20 others people at his rally.

Imran Khan, who hopes to become the next prime minister, condemned Friday's attack against his opponent, Durrani.

In a tweet, he said that there seems to be a conspiracy to sabotage the July 25 vote. . But he said the Pakistani people would not allow anything to prevent "historic" elections from taking place.

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