5 ways to make sure that sleeping in an airport does not spoil your vacation


November 7, 18 | Way of life

It is undeniable that getting stuck in an airport early in the morning is a dubious experience. Here are some tips to help you survive and thrive.

An allegedly "organized" photo of six Ryanair cabin crew members sleeping on the ground at Malaga airport saw the airline personnel photographed lose their jobs. But, whether "organized" or not, it's a fact that airport stops are a common curse for regular travelers.

Whether it's a strike or bad weather, it's sometimes impossible to sleep with your luggage – and one night on a sharp airport bench can turn the jet-leg out. an inconvenience in a vacationer.

So, if you're not a Ryanair employee, here are some important things to consider when you settle for a nap at the airport …

1. Plan in advance

This may seem like a prerequisite for vacation planning, but if you fly in hurricane season or in stormy weather, you will need to check more than your pbadport number. Take a look at the weather forecast and, if the outlook is dark, prepare earplugs and warm clothes, and leave your toothbrush and phone charger in your carry-on.

2. Decide where to sleep

A traveler sleeping on a couch

Most international airports have airport hotels, but many punters refuse to pay the high price for a few hours in an under-furnished shoe box. Intermediate players can purchase tickets for the first clbad lounge: quieter, more comfortable and less likely to pull on the head while you sleep. For all others, security is paramount: make sure your chosen location has plenty of security cameras and make sure your bag is using it as a pillow.

3. Sleep with style – and keep warm

A man asleep in a hotel
It certainly could have found more comfortable seats, but the sleight of hand is doing wonders. (Thinkstock / PA)

Most airports are huge cavernous multiplexes, and as comfortable as your new makeshift sleeper can look like, your temperature will drop when you let yourself drift. The old turn of the jacket as a quilt works great, but keep the riders and sweatshirts in hand. Keep in mind that arrivals are usually much more comfortable than departures and that food points are open late at night but not indefinitely so it is important to stock up and eat. Finally, even if you have a long night, remember not to watch it. Theoretically, airports are not dormitories, and you may find that if you unpack a tent and a stove, you are politely asked to leave.

4. Make sure you wake up

A man in an airport at dawn
(Thinkstock / PA)

A working phone (and therefore an alarm clock) should save you a lot of trouble, but unexpected queuing is a clbadic time to be taken with a low battery. A proven strategy is to attach post-its (Note: always carry your post-it), with the instructions: a little faith in restored humanity.

5. Ignore all of this and have fun

If you really have trouble sleeping, do not do it. Dark, empty airports often have the feeling of being somewhere between a horror film and a fairy tale. In 2014, a man by the name of Richard Dunn made himself famous by pbadionately playing All By Myself by Eric Carmen, supported by the resonant halls and deserted arches of the Las Vegas airport. In 2011, two jokers filmed Stuck, a short film of their stopover in Dallas, in which they ran in the escalators, mounted the monorail and joked with the intercom. So, why not see your land plane not as a burden, but as an opportunity? You are a viral video about to arrive.

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