The coach of the Thai football team trapped in a cave apologize to his parents


  Soldiers carry a pump to help drain floodwater rising in a cave (Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Soldiers carry a pump to help drain floodwater rising into a cave (Sakchai Lalit / AP)
  • The coach of the Thai football team trapped in a cave apologize to their parents

    coach taken to trap in a cave with 12 Thai boys apologized to their parents in the first letter that he and the team sent through the divers. in-a-cave-apologizes-to-their-parents-37090132.html [19659004]

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The football coach trapped in a cave with 12 Thai boys apologized to their parents in the first letter that he and the team sent through divers.

Rescuers said that they will not immediately attempt an underwater evacuation because the boys have not yet learned the proper diving techniques – but they would do so if heavy rains begin again [19659004] The rescue effort has already experienced a discouraging setback. Navy SEAL dive in flooded pbadages to provide oxygen supplies. 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 July 6, 2018

1965 ] Ekapol Chanthawong, coach of the Wild Boars football team, writes: "For parents of all children, at this time the children are doing well, the team takes good care of him . "

promise that I will take care of children as best as possible. I want to say thank you for all the support and I want to apologize to the parents. "

A boy wrote," I'm fine, but the air is a little cold but do not worry. Well, do not forget to set up my birthday party. "

Posted by Thai NavySEAL on Friday, July 6, 2018

Another, identified as Tun, wrote:" Mom and dad, please do not worry, I'm fine. I told Yod to prepare to take me out for fried chicken. With love. "

The rest of the letters scribbled on the pages of a notebook struck a similar message of love to the parents and told them not to worry.

A boy named Mick wrote: "Do not worry, I miss everyone. Grandpa, uncle, mom, dad and siblings, I love you all. I am happy to be here inside, SEALS sailors took care of me. I love you all. "

Family members walk near a cave where 12 boys and their football coach have been trapped since June 23 (Sakchai Lalit / AP)

The boys, aged 11 to 16, and their coach went to explore the cave after a football game on June 23.

Monsoon floods prevented rescuers from finding them for nearly 10 days. The only way to reach them was to navigate through dark, narrow corridors filled with muddy water and strong currents and oxygen-depleted air

British divers Rick Stanton, a firefighter in Coventry's fifties and Bristol-based IT consultant John Volanthen, who was in his forties, were the first to reach the group, and later pictures showed that one of the boys was wearing a football shirt from England [1]. 9659004] Asked his news conference to bring the boys under the water, the governor of Chiang Rai Narongsak Osatanakorn replied: "not today because they can not dive . Thai doctors SEAL helped children (Royal Thai Navy / AP)

M. Narongsak said the boys were still healthy and practiced wearing diving masks and breathing in preparation for the opportunity to dive

The path is considered particularly complicated because of the twists in the narrow flooded pbadages.

The suggestion that the trapped team might have to wait months inside until a safe exit is available In 2010, Chilean miners were trapped in the groundwater – they met with little enthusiasm.

Authorities continue to look for another solution, namely to find a well or drill in the mountain in which the cave is located to find some sort of back door entrance.

The Layout of the Cave System (PA Graphics)

The death of the Thai diver, Saman Gunan, emphasized the risks of underwater travel.

The diver, the first mortal of the rescue effort, was working as a volunteer and died on a mission to place oxygen bottles along the road toward the boys. and others are at the shelter, says Rear Admiral Arpakorn Yookongkaew, commander of the Thai SEAL.

Strategically placed cans allow divers to stay under water for five hours to reach the stuck team.

Elon Musk The auto company and the SpaceX rocket company said it would send engineers to help them.

One of his companies is Boring Co., which digs tunnels for advanced transportation systems and has an advanced ground penetration system. Association ess

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