2 people reportedly dead, suspected of being at large after filming in Waterloo


Local and state police block traffic at multiple intersections along Virginia Street and Swift Street. At present, people in the area are being asked to stay at home looking for a suspect.

According to a robocall from the Seneca County Sheriff's Office, deputies are looking for a white man of 5 "11" and 160 lbs with blue eyes and blond hair, wearing blue jeans A black vest and Brennan Somers has been talking to the owner of a local taxi company who said that a driver had dropped two women at home last night and that the shooter had told them ambushed while he was carrying a green bag.The owner says that the police took pictures of the taxi to use as part of the investigation.

Spoken to a company of Local taxis: The driver dropped two women at home last night.A bar, an armed man snared them and then took off, the suspect was still not found pic.twitter.com/ hWFBbuwoXt

– Brennan Somers (@WHEC_BSomers) July 11, 2018

Stay with News10NBC on the air and on the air for updates on this developing story.

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