The Mayor of Lancaster proposes that all city employees abandon their ties and have a more casual business attire for health reasons.
Mayor R. Rex Parris attended town council meeting without a tie even though it was not casual Friday. He believes that all employees in the city should opt for a more casual style.
"There is also a question of discrimination based on bad because it is only imposed on men, which is to say that women must wear high heels. Some people in the Lancaster community said that they liked this idea
Banker Rudy Enriquez said that he felt a sense of freedom when he tore off the stuffy tie.
I do not want it, but when I'm at work, I want to be presentable to the public, "he said." But I have a lot of friends who are in the business when they go to work, they do not wear it either, so there is something to this study. "
Parris said that getting rid of the tie is a health issue based on a recently published study in the Journal of Neuroradiology.The study suggests that wearing ties can reduce blood flow to the brain, limiting creativity and badytical thinking.
"Medical journals have just said that average, people lose about 7.5% of their blood flow. Parris said that while he could not give mandate to city employees to get rid of the links, he would at least make it optional.
Art Lombard would not be caught dead wearing a tie.
"I raise animals, OK? A tie is blocking the way," he said.
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