Supervalu Walkinstown forced to close fresh food counters about the "potential issue of pest control"


"A precautionary measure"

The Dublin store received a closure order from the Food Safety Authority earlier this week

A supermarket in Dublin was forced to close all its counters

Supervalu Walkinstown was issued with a closure order by the Food Safety Authority earlier this week to close its grocery store, bakery, meat section, fresh fruit area and salad bar following an HSE inspection. 19659005] SuperValu Walkinstown closed his food counter "width =" 810 "height =" 525 "/>

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SuperValu Walkinstown closed his food counter

All uncovered foods in the store were removed and discarded with a number of blocked alleyways while maintenance is

The closure of the food was issued to the Musgrave Operating Partners who manage the Supervalu on Wednesday, July 11.

A sign at Inside the store indicates that the areas are closed due to a

A statement from Musgraves on behalf of Supervalu claimed that the fresh food counters had been closed as a precautionary measure. because of a possible pest control problem.

They have since reopened fresh food sections following a complete deep cleaning site.

They said: "The fresh food section at SuperValu W alkinstown is now completely reopen after the inspection of the store by the local environmental health officer.

"Temporary Closure of the Fresh Food Section

" A large number of measures were taken in store, including a thorough thorough cleaning of the site by hygiene experts, a review of the contaminated drain. an independent expert by an external consultant.We apologize to our customers for the temporary closure. "

Strike time on 26C Saturday before that 'weak fronts of time' do bring rain and clouds

the "civic duty"

Gardai thanks a woman who found a submachine gun A spokeswoman for the Food Safety Authority told the Irish Sun: "This closing order was served by HSE acting under the authority of the US Food and Drug Administration. a service contract with the FSAI

"All the enforcement orders are subject to the companies might seek to appeal to the O

" Therefore, the FSAI does not publish any details in the order that once the month has pbaded to allow due process. "

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