Trump labeled "weak" after questioning US information on election interference


  US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin (Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP) "title =" US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin (Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP) "width = "620" height = "348" rel = "nofollow" />
</span><figcaption>  US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin (Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP) </figcaption></figure>
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  • Trump labeled "weak" after questioning US information on electoral interference

    US President Donald Trump openly questioned The agencies of his own intelligence service discovered that Russia had mingled with the 2016 US elections, seemingly accepting Vladimir Putin's insistence that Moscow have clean hands.

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US President Donald Trump has openly questioned the decision of his intelligence services to interfere in the 2016 US elections, seemingly accepting Vladimir Putin's claim that Moscow had clean hands.

The reaction in the United States was immediate and visceral among the Republicans and the usual Trump critics.

"Ashamed," "Ashamed," and "Weak" were some of the comments, while Senator Bob Corker says that he did In an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News on Monday night, Mr. Trump said "it's a shame" that he and Putin were interrogated on the Russian probe while they were trying "We had a fake witch hunt contract separating us," he said.

With Mr. Putin in Helsinki, Mr. Trump avoided any confrontation with the Russians. , going so far as to question US intelligence and last week's federal accusations that 12 Russians had hijacked democratic accounts to hurt Hillary Clinton in 2016.

"I have a great confidence in my intelligence, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his negation today.

"He just said that it was not Russia. I will say this: I see no reason for that, "said Mr. Trump.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gives a football to US President Donald Trump ( Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP)

His skepticism drew a swift formal statement – almost a rebuttal – from Trump's national intelligence director, Dan Coats.

"We were clear in our badessments of the l & # 39; Russian meddling in the 2016 elections and their We continue to provide unvarnished and objective information in support of our national security, "said Mr. Coats.

Other Republican politicians have generally followed M Trump for a year and a half He was attacked as rarely before as he was returning home Monday night after what he had hoped for a proud summit with Putin.

Conference d The press of today at #Helsinki was one of the most shameful representations by an American president in the memory.

My complete statement on the #HelsinkiSummit :

– John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain Senator John McCain of Arizona was the most outspoken , stating that Mr. Trump made a "conscious choice to defend a tyrant" and performed "one of the most shameful representations by an American president in memory" [16].

The Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who rarely criticizes Mr. Trump, pointed out that there was "no question" that Russia had interfered with.

Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, In 1965, when he was returning to Washington on board Air Force One, Mr. Trump attempted to clarify his position by tweeting, saying, "As I was going to do it. I have said today and many times before, I have the BIG co "However, I also recognize that to build a better future, we can not focus only on the past – as the world's two largest nuclear powers, we must agree! "

  ipanews_4ca444b7-1a75- 4c78-bd8b-e972186b80bc_embedded237613951
President Donald Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump leave Marine One after returning from Finland (Andrew Harnik / AP)

The long awaited summit of the two leaders began with a private face-to-face. face to face – only the leaders and their interpreters – which lasted more than two hours, before other meetings were joined by senior badistants.

They had already had long discussions before – on the sidelines of world meetings in Germany and Vietnam last year. but it was their first official summit and was closely watched, especially following the announcement of new indictments against 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of hacking Democratic emails to help the Trump Interrogated On indictments, Putin has suggested that Moscow and Washington jointly conduct the investigation, urging special investigators Robert Mueller to come to Russia to interview the 12 people – an idea that Mr Trump has described as "dangerous." "incredible offer"

Putin said that he expected the United States to reciprocate and cooperate in the Russian investigation against William Browder, a British investor accused of financial crimes in Russia.

Browder, an openly Putin critic, was a driving force behind US law targeting Russian officials about human rights violations.

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